For the last nine years, Japanese-American Linda Yamamoto, now 84 years old, has visited the Boston Acupuncture Hospital for acupuncture treatment. She remained at home with her kids until the youngest was a senior in high school. After that, she pursued a career as a government accountant. Recently she has been quite outgoing, energetic, and cheerful. She gave to a fund that supports financially disadvantaged Asian college students. She is not on the road much, so she has plenty of opportunities to network in the Boston region. Her spouse is her personal chauffeur. She seldom complains, but she does become irritated when her spouse forgets to take her up.
The Presence of Healthful Genes Is Not a Gaurantee of
Linda’s mother, who had no medical coverage, survived to be 98 years old because to the wonderful genes she got from her. Linda may still become sick despite her wonderful genes. After giving birth to her third child, she reached 40 and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Because of her thyroid problem, she began taking Synthroid. She acquired atrial fibrillation (AF) after using thyroid medication for a while. Then, she medicated her cardiac issue with a beta-blocker and two additional drugs. Medications lowered her heart rate, but it never returned to normal.
Many women experiencing menopause found hope via hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The miracle medication was supposed to restore their youth, so they took it. After trying it at age 68, Linda’s period returned the next year. She decided it was not normal and stopped taking the hormone tablet as soon as she could. Even her superior genes were useless to her in the contemporary world. After receiving hormone injections for a year, Linda was diagnosed with carcinoma of the breast at her old age of 70. She had operations and radiation but did not utilize Tamoxifen to prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue that occurs when estrogen receptors are blocked.
When she became 80 years old, she decided the burden of working to the government was too much to bear. She attended more parties than ever before. No matter the moment she goes to bed, she always gets eight hours of sleep. Her heartbeats were going to get erratic and her digestion would worsen if she ended her day after midnight. For a while, she was often seen at nighttime gatherings and eating supper after 7 o’clock. Despite taking three medicines for her ailments, her heartbeats remained erratic throughout that period. I suggested that she give up coffee, eat supper earlier than 7 o’clock, and turn in before midnight.
Getting Back to a Healthy, Disciplined Routine
Over time, Linda was able to alter her routine. Both the cardiac and digestive problems have been getting better over the last several years. She continued to have annual examinations with her cardiologist until she was 87, at which point she stopped taking any cardiac medicines. Linda has been a regular patient of mine for face rejuvenation acupuncture. Without any cardiac medication, her heart rate is around 55–65. The acute pallor of both of her feet in the winter has subsided since she stopped taking her meds.
Now that her heart health had improved, she had begun personal training at a gym. Her knees and hips hurt when she began weight training three times a week. However, she does not suffer from systemic inflammation thanks to her healthy diet, and only required one or two acupuncture sessions to get relief from her muscular problems. She has found relief from her joint discomfort and Raynaud’s syndrome via acupuncture and exercise. Her appearance is that of a 50-year-old, yet her memory is as keen as ever, and she never misses a bill payment. She still does all the housework alone, including cooking and cleaning.
Linda broke her vertebrae in her thoracic region and lost a few inches of height during a bath tub accident in 2016. Knowing that her acupuncture face rejuvenation treatments could have to end devastated me. Linda’s lifelong commitment to exercise paid off when she bounced back from a serious fall in only two months. She informed me that she had grown more wrinkles on the right side of her face when she returned for her regular acupuncture three weeks after her accident. She approached me in the waiting area and said that she had heard acupuncture may help with wrinkles. Waiting patients who saw her were very jealous of her flawless skin and strong facial muscles. She was really 93 years old, although she might have passed for 60.