Tomatoes are classified as fruits, something you may not have known. They are now often classified as a vegetable. Tomatoes are ubiquitous and used in many meals and dishes. The antioxidant lycopene, found in abundance in this superfood, has been linked to several health advantages, including a lower risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular disease. It’s a great source of vitamin C and K as well as folate, potassium, and other minerals. Here are a few crock pot recipes that include tomatoes, which are both sour and sweet.
Beefy Tomato Stew Prepared With Patience
The items required:
Trim the fat off of one kilogram of beef chuck and cut the meat into 1-inch cubes.
Sliced into 1/4-inch rounds: 3 carrots
Thinly slice three celery stalks
Crushed and peeled 3 garlic cloves
1 medium onion, chopped
4 cups of brown rice, once cooked
3 and a half cups of tomato paste
1 mug of chicken stock
Parsley, fresh, chopped: 1/3 cup
Approximately 6 tablespoons of fat-free Greek yogurt
One Tablespoon of High-Quality Olive Oil
Black pepper, to taste, about a quarter teaspoon
Carrots, celery, and onion should be cooked in oil over medium heat for about 10 minutes, or until softened. Beef, garlic cloves, brown rice, tomatoes, and chicken broth are added to the veggies in the crock pot. Put some salt and pepper to it. Give everything a good stir to combine. Put the lid on and cook for 6 hours on high. Serve in dishes topped with yogurt and parsley.
Slow Cooker Chicken with Tomatoes and Spinach
The items required:
Chicken breasts without bones and skin, 1 kilogram
1 small sweet onion, cut very thin
4 minced garlic cloves
6 servings of fresh spinach
Tomatoes (3 1/2 cups plus liquid) in chopped form
Balsamic Vinegar, 3 Tablespoons
An Italian Seasoning, About 1 Tablespoon
Add black pepper and salt to taste.
Put chicken in the bottom over a crock pot and season with salt and pepper. Place in the saucepan the following ingredients: onion, garlic cloves, tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, and Italian spice. Mix well by stirring for a few minutes. Cook for 4–5 hours on low, covered, adding the spinach 30 minutes before it’s done. Serve hot.

Best Slow Cooker Tomato Soup Ever
The items required:
Miniature Onion (Half)
7 cups of chopped tomatoes 1 bay leaf
Carrots, chopped, 1 cup vegetable stock
Milk, Whole, One Cup
4.25 grams of butter
1 tsp. of dried oregano
Thyme, dry, one teaspoon
Garlic powder, half a teaspoon
Half a teaspoon of salt, half a pinch of pepper
Onion, bay leaf, tomato products, vegetable stock, carrots and onions, milk, butter, oregano, the herb thy garlic powder, salt, and pepper should all be combined in a slow cooker. Slow cook, covered, for three to four hours. When you’re ready, combine the ingredients until smooth. Quickly dish it up.