Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes

“What does this mean you can’t eat anything with gluten or dairy? The ingredients in such items are found in nature and in an animal. This is a common concern among those who do not suffer from food allergies. If one cannot eat in the typical American fashion, they are automatically labeled as weird, insane, or suffering from a weak stomach. Despite the stigma, high-quality gluten-free and dairy-free meals are essential when you have to adopt this diet.

Both of my boys have been dairy-free from birth. It took me a long to wake up to that fact, and my eldest child had to deal with terrible congestion for two years that he didn’t need to. His nose was always stuffy, his eyes were red, and he looked perpetually ill. After I discovered what I had been causing to him, I immediately switched to dairy-free cooking. The difficulty was compounded by the fact that I had both a childhood and a marriage on a dairy farm. The irony of it is beyond me. I had to prepare meals in a manner that went against both my upbringing and my husband’s work. They were met with the question, “How’s it do you cook using milk, cheese, particularly since you have easy access to a limitless supply?” I’d explain that it was good it to see my kid in good health even if it meant adjusting some of my recipes somewhat.

Later on in life, both of my little girls were simultaneously diagnosed with epilepsy. The epileptologist’s response left me wondering whether nutrition had a role in the condition. He scoffed at the idea. I went downstairs and investigated nevertheless because of his denial. I was resolved to restore my girls’ frail health. After much research, I took a chance and placed them on a diet devoid of gluten and dairy. In the end, I decided to give the diet a try for myself. These days, I exclusively make meals that don’t include wheat or dairy. Adapting to the new norm only required time, and after much trial and error, some fantastic new meals were discovered.

Potato soup with coconut milk is one of my all-time favorite dishes. Vegetables, seasonings (salt, pepper, paprika), and cornstarch round out the list of necessary components. It’s hassle-free and ideal for my family’s specific requirements. My second go-to barbecue sauce is a honey one I make myself. It’s great on meats like chicken, meatloaf, & meatballs. Ketchup, mayonnaise, honey, hemp aminos, salt, pepper, or chili powder are the only other ingredients.

However, what about sweets? Since most delectable sweets need for flour, I’ve discovered that they are the hardest to make. Do you have any suggestions for a wheat-free dessert recipe? Certainly not as easy as that. I believe I have discovered some promising new combos. Making chocolate-covered almonds is a fun hobby of mine. To make this tasty treat, you’ll need almonds, vanilla extract, peanut butter, dark chocolate chips, and a natural butter spread. It’s a basic recipe that doesn’t even call for flour.

I did figure out how to create a banana creams pie that didn’t use any gluten or dairy, however. It took a while to discover the right combination of ingredients, but in the end it was worth it. I make it using coconut milk, eggs, gluten-free flour mix, evaporated sugar from cane crystals, pure butter spread, vanilla, and flavoring. My need for flour was satiated by this mixture.

Finding healthy, all-natural gluten-free and dairy-free meals is a worthwhile compromise if it means improving one’s diet. It’s irrelevant that others may see you as odd for rejecting the standard American diet. Your wellbeing and state of mind are what really count. Take the leap and experiment with new recipes that will work for your new food-sensitive lifestyle.

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