Healthy Cooking Starts With Pure Clay Cookware

For food to be really nutritious, it must be prepared without damaging the meal’s nutrients and without adding any harmful substances. The first step toward this goal would be selecting appropriate components, such as those that are natural, organic, unprocessed, and nutrient-dense. The second stage, cooking the ingredients properly, is much more crucial.

The majority of consumers are aware of the need of using healthy foods, but not everyone utilizes the safest cooking equipment, which is 100% safe and protects sensitive nutrients by using heat that is less likely to damage them. Water-soluble nutrients are carried away in the food’s steam, therefore this must be sealed off as well.

Since they cooked using pure clay pots, it’s no surprise that our predecessors had far fewer health issues overall. Traditional metal as well as ceramic cookware are now commonly used, however they pose serious health risks. Cooking with metals and ceramics exposes the user to metal and chemical pollutants, which combine with the food’s ingredients to produce compounds that build up in the body over time. When this continues for an extended length of time, it begins to damage organs at the cellular level. Diseases including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer are all exacerbated by this. The wealthiest individuals undoubtedly have the worse health since they can afford the most costly ceramic and non-stick cookware, both of which are coated with chemicals that are bad for you.

Fortunately, you can still get cookware that is just as safe as the stuff our grandparents used. Food cooked in unglazed cookware manufactured from natural pure clay retains all of its nutrients since it is not contaminated throughout the cooking process. “Unglazed,” since many types of glazes & enamels include chemicals that are harmful to human health.

After collecting samples from uncultivated and non-industrialized areas and analyzing them for any and all contaminants, you’ll know you have pure ceramics, also known simply primary clay. The following stage, after gathering the necessary components, is to create non-toxic cooking vessels. The finest approach to produce pots and pans form pure clay is the traditional method of tossing clay on a wheel used by potters and shaping it with skilled hands, since any mechanical procedure would need the use of chemicals. Although time-consuming, this method is essential for producing really healthy cookware.

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