All that nutritious stock and minerals and vitamins are packed into a bowl of homemade soup.
But… who in their right mind would want to brave the blazing Spanish summer heat to boil bones fer hours on end, much alone prepare the soup after the stock is made? I can’t see anybody enjoying the prospect of eating hot soup after that!
Because of this, the Spanish developed gazpacho, a lovely, icy soup that is visually appealing, nutritious, inexpensive to make (because it requires no boiling), and, most importantly, a pleasure to consume.
The original recipe for gazpacho was developed in the unique and enticing southern Spanish province of Andalucia, where the influence of the Arabic culture is strong.
Before the invention of the electric blender, you had to pound bread and garlic with tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers to make the uncooked, chilly soup. Olive oil gives it a silky, creamy texture, while vinegar gives it a taste that’s perfect for cooling down when things become intense.
Authentic Spanish manner calls for serving the soup with tiny bowls of condiments such chopped peppers, cucumber, onion, and maybe even eggs that have been boiled and croutons. Then, diners may top their soup with whichever spices and herbs they choose.
Most Spanish households have their own secret recipes for the tomato-based gazpacho that is a national staple. These days, though, you may discover gazpacho recipes that don’t need tomatoes at all, such as white gazpachos made with almonds or fruit gazpachos.
Do you have trouble sleeping at night? In Pedro Almodovar’s 1987 movie “Mujeres Al Borde De Un Ataque Del Nervios,” many characters consume gazpacho and then fall asleep, suggesting that this may be the case.
Don’t go to sleep just soon, however; you still need to review the recipe.
Four servings’ worth of ingredients:
Toss together 4 ripe tomatoes, 1 onion, 1/2 cup each of red and green peppers, 1/2 cup of cucumber, and 3 cloves of garlic.
50 grams of bread 3 tablespoons of vinegar 8 tablespoons of olive oil
Water; Salt and pepper
- Optional 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Toss together 2 hard-boiled eggs, half an onion, half a red pepper, half a green pepper, and half a cucumber, all finely diced.

First, soak the bread cubes in water for half an hour.
Two, peel tomatoes, and three, clean peppers of their seeds and stems.
You should peel the cucumber, onion, and garlic.
Slice the cucumber, tomato, and onion thinly.
5 Throw everything into a blender.
- Blend the bread after squeezing off the excess water.
Seven, put in oil and vinegar.
Eight, combine everything well.
9 Put in enough water to get a soupy consistency if needed.
10 Pour over ice in a basin.
11 Put in the fridge for a few hours.
Bowls should be served with the garnishes on the side.
Enjoy your gazpacho while relaxing in the shade and taking in views of the beautiful sea, sky, and golden dunes.