Most of us are unknowingly following a high-protein diet. Before reading Johansen’s Stop the Diet, which I Want to Lose the Weight Off!, I didn’t either. Did you are aware the United States has one of the highest rates of obesity worldwide?That 30% of adults are dieting at any one time?… that there has been a grapefruit diet since the 1930s?
Johansen has served us a plate of nutritious realities and plain sense on diets. She describes how to recognize a fad diet by its 12 telltale signs. She names 15 of these diets (including Jenny Craig, Paleo, Atkins diets, Gluten-free, Purge, Blood type, Nutrisystem, etc.) and gives a rational defense of why most people shouldn’t follow them.

Johansen then goes on to detail which categories of people should and should not restrict their dietary intake of certain food groups. And as she says, “… it’s critical that we avoid establishing an unhealthy even fearful attraction to food.” How to mentally picture appropriate portions is another topic she covers in her book. If you imagine a cup of cereal to be the dimension of a baseball, three ounces to be the thickness of your checkbook, and a gram to be the width of a paper clip, you may find it simpler to control your food intake.
Johansen’s explanation of ludicrous diets, including the “cotton pill crap” during which a person consumes 5 cotton balls drenched in lemonade, is hilariously amusing. You’ll have a better understanding of the current diet fads as you read about these “diets” that were once all the rage. More than 30 healthy eating suggestions are provided, including “don’t drink their calories,” “practice mindful eating,” “take advantages of your support system,” and many more. In addition to the main course, we also provide six warning signs that you may not be receiving adequate fluids and a breakdown of our primary source of energy.
Last but not least, Stop the Diet Which I Would Like to Lose Off directs readers to two online resources where they may learn more about creating a diet plan tailored to their own requirements and lifestyle.
Anyone who enjoys reading and eating, and who has ever been on, is now on, or is considering going on a diet, should read this book.
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One of my most helpful tools for weight control is maintaining a diet and activity diary, which is why I love this quotation so much. Lisa T. Johansen Tillinger